Black Dog & One-Eyed Press is a division of Main & Station Ltd. We mainly publish art catalogues and poetry books.
Released November 2021!

To order or for more information, email judith S bauer at [email protected]
A q&a with judithS bauer at Atlantic Books Today
Bill Liebeskind has been making art for four decades. Part of NYC’s Lower East Side art scene in the early 80s, he was later represented by Gallery Ewa in Provincetown, Massachusetts and exhibited at the Cape Cod Museum of Art in Dennis, Massachusetts. Liebeskind’s work explores pathos and resilience in the human condition through painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, and collage. A voracious reader of literature and news, Liebeskind often references newspaper imagery in his work. He teaches art at The Frank Sinatra School of the Arts, a public high school for the arts.
When the pandemic broke and the world went into lockdown, Liebeskind began making a portrait of a masked person every day. To date Liebeskind has created more than 400 drawings of people in masks. Those drawings and the shared experience of the Covid-19 pandemic were the inspiration for this book.
Robert Paul Allen, Mark Andrews, Janette Ayachi, Zev Bagel, Ann Bar-Dov, Marilyn Baszczynski, Jules BB, Chris Benjamin, bill bissett, Mark Blickley, Ronnie Brown, Heidi Church, George Elliott Clarke, Bill Cushing, Czandra, Steve Denehan, Richard Dittami, Millicent Eidson, Joseph A. Farina, Robert Findysz, Mark Fleisher, Jon Frankel, Cathy Fynn, Suzanne Gauthier, Norbert Góra, Miriam Hechtman, Jade Hinder, Robert Hogg, Riley Huff, Ololade Akinlabi Ige, John Francis Istel, M.J. Iuppa, Ellen Jaffe, Jan Jorgensen, Ravitte Kentwortz, Maureen Korp, Marilyn Lerch, harvey lev, Bill Liebeskind, Leo Liebeskind, Laurinda Lind, Karina S. Linetsky, DB Link, Cynthia Lozier, Marjorie Maddox, John C. Mannone, Susan McMaster, Michele Mekel, Geordie Miller, Kevin Miller, Shelley Miller, Mike Montreuil, Phil Moscovitch, Kurt Newton, Frank Niccoletti, Chad Norman, Honey Novick, Drew Pisarra, Trent Pomeroy, Anita S. Pulier, Claudia Coutu Radmore, Paul Redfern, P.J. Reed, Shelly Reed Thieman, Mahta Riazi, Lois Roma-Deeley, Daniel Rowe, Miriam Sagan, Albert Sinclair, Alan Spinney, P.C. Vandall, Peggy Verzett, Loretta Diane Walker, Peggy Walt, Laura Grace Weldon, erika white, Lynn White, Allison Whittenberg, Margaret Witzsche
Black Dog & One-Eyed Press Autumn 2021 201 pages (6 x 9) Softcover $30.00 CAD ISBN 978-0-9952654-8-6
Black Dog & One-Eyed Press Autumn 2021 195 pages Large Format Softcover (8.5 x 11) $50.00 CAD ISBN 978-0-9952654-7-9
To order & for more information, email [email protected]
Also available at the Main & Station Bookshop : 168 Main St., Parrsboro – Open By Chance or By Appointment : [email protected]
And from Biblio-omnivore here on ABE Books.
And now available at Tidewater Books : 13 Bridge Street, Sackville, New Brunswick
For information about launch events and poetry readings


“Richard Dittami is a guy that the world needs right now. He knows what’s happening, not just in the neighbourhood but everywhere.This poetry collection is deep and funny and brave.”
—Marilyn Lerch, author of That We Have Lived At All, Sackville Poet Laureate (2014-2018)
See here for more info and how to order Shredding Plywood
Shredding Plywood 2020 84 pages Softcover ISBN 13: 978-0-9952654-6-2 $20.00

Conrad Byers was many things including teacher, sea Captain, boat builder, photographer, historian, world traveller, storyteller, and poet.
This collection assembles poems and thoughts, written on envelopes and napkins, during his adventures abroad.
See here for more info and how to order Salmon Dreams
Salmon Dreams 2017 74 pages Softcover ISBN 13: 978-0-9952654-1-7 $20.00

This publication accompanies the 2017 Nonesuch Art Of Paper Awards Finalist Exhibitions. This 65 page, 8.5 x 11 coil-bound book includes photographs and a description of each artwork accepted for the exhibitions, short artist biographies, and some background about the awards and Main & Station Nonesuch.
23 September – 15 October 2017, Main & Station Nonesuch, 168 Main Street, Parrsboro, NS
1 December – 16 December 2017, The Paper Factory, 141, rue Ann, Montréal, QC
Cette publication accompagne les expositions des finalists pour les prix d’excellence Nonesuch pour les arts papier 2017. Ce catalogue de 8.5 x 11 à 65 pages inclut des photographies et une description de chaque oeuvre acceptée pour les expositions, ainsi que des biographies courtes d’artistes.
2017 65 pages Coil Binding Softcover ISBN: 978-0-9952654-2-4 ; $20.00

2016 70 Pages Softcover ISBN: 978-0-9952654-0-0 $20.00