Artist in residence: Andrew Godsalve

Andrew Godsalve is an artist and wildlife technician based in Hinton, Alberta. Hinton is a small town in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, along the Athabasca River. There Andrew was raised in a family studying wildlife biology. His mother Beth MacCallum runs Bighorn Wildlife Technologies, a small private consulting company that works primarily with the coal mining industry in the Hinton area. They do wildlife surveys on and around open-pit coal mines, making recommendations for how the industry can mitigate their impacts on the wildlife. As a Wildlife Technician, Andrew has learned to read the landscape as to observe the animals and how they inhabit it. This upbringing has had a profound effect on his artistic interests.

Andrew graduated with a BFA from the University of Victoria where he developed a practice of photomontage based on geologic forms and processes. He then took his “geo-photomontage” practice to residencies in Banff, Iceland and the Bay of Fundy, developing projects specific to the particular geologic histories of these regions.

A recent graduate of the MFA program at NSCAD University, Andrew is pleased to be back in Nova Scotia for back-to-back residencies along the Bay of Fundy.

He has just completed his arts residency through the Joggins Fossil Institute’s ArtScape Artist-in-Residence program where he has been working on “Camera Sigillaria”, a project tracing the geo-histories of Cumberland County and now from 1-14 November he will continue the work in Parrsboro through the Main & Station Nonesuch residency program. During this time Andrew will also teach an Artistic Geo-photography Workshop, lead a Geo-montage Walking Tour, and have an exhibition of his photographs. See below for details.

WILD PAPER ~ On The Beach & The Wild Paper Pickers

Deep in a marsh in the Minas Basin in Nova Scotia, the wild paper pickers go about their arcane rituals, pulling pond scum and wild paper from the marsh and giving it away to be turned into art.

What are these veteran paper finders up to? What is Wild Paper?

Find out at the vernissage / opening on 3 June between 2 and 8pm where you can meet  Ian Ferrier and Judith Bauer.  The exhibition remains open until 30 June 2018.


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Nonesuch Coffee Talks – Speakers Wanted

Main & Station Nonesuch Kickshaws is organizing a series of informal discussions and presentations. The aim of this series is twofold: to provide opportunities for people to share their knowledge, experiences, ideas, and passions as well as to have good conversations with interesting people.

The talks will be scheduled between at various days and times depending upon the availablity of the speakers and the space.

Talks can be any length but we recommend something that is anywhere from 20 – 45 minutes followed by a period for questions & discussion.

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