Nonesuch artist in residence Mark Andrews works exclusively on paper, combining natural minerals with pigments, powdered graphite, oils and beeswax which are pressed, incised, burnished and polished. His work is concerned with creating a gestural lexicon and archiving it through repetitive mark-making to sediment native Canadian oral culture landscape place-names and elder-stories.
In 2017 Mark was awarded the Nonesuch Art of Paper Griffintown Award for his painting Raven Brings Universal Light.

Mark Andrews
Mark studied printmaking and drawing at the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD), and painting and drawing at York University under Tim Whiten, Bruce Parsons and Claude Breeze. He won the “New Faces: Artists’ Choice” competition in Toronto for his large scale black (graphite) drawings. Selected group and solo exhibitions include the A-Space, York University, Glendon College, and Harbourfront Galleries in Toronto, and Belgo Arts, the Gallery at Victoria Hall and Nonesuch Art of Paper Awards group shows in Montreal and Parrsboro.