Charcoal, Visible Voices, Mudflats and War Poetry

Donna Jacobs Charcoal Workshop

  • 10:30 am Tuesday, July 14 : Donna Jacobs __in residence Artist’s Talk
  • 7:30 pm Tuesday, July 14 : Poetry at the PO with featured poet Donna Jacobs
  • 10:30 am Thursday, July 16 : Maxine Westhead with Mudflats of Minas: the weird and the wonderful
  • 10 am – 1 pm Saturday, July 18: Drawing Blind Charcoal Workshop  REGISTER NOW !!
  • Ongoing :  DRAWING OUT LOUD EXHIBITION continues in our secondfloor gallery.

DON’T MISS THE EXHIBITION OPENING of Drawing Out Loud – Faces of Lyme Disease 

Also, this week we have 3 NONESUCH TALKS :

 On Tuesday, July 14  come listen to Quebec artist and poet Donna Jacobs talk about her work.
On Wednesday, July 15 tune in for Bruce Wark‘s – Visible Voices: The Radio Revolution PART II   Why and how was radio invented? Who made the world’s first broadcast? And what can we “see” when we listen to it? Veteran radiophile Bruce Wark takes us on an audio tour: radio then and now.

On Thursday, July 16 enjoy  Mudflats of Minas: the weird and the wonderful with Maxine Westhead – Marine organisms abound in what looks like a lifeless surface. Marine Biologist at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Maxine Westhead talks about the Minas Basin Mudflats.


For the regular tuesday Poetry Night this week we are pleased to welcome war poet Donna Jacobs from Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec.  Come hear selections from her book Still In Arms. A mother’s perspective of a soldier’s life and sacrifices.

Next week on July 21st, Truro poet Chad Norman will join us as featured poet. Chad has published some 15 books and his 16th, Learning To Settle Down, is due out this Fall from Black Moss Press. Chad’s 17th book, Waking Up On The Wrong Side Of The Sky, illustrated by Truro artist Bruce Wood, is a children’s book – also poetry – due out later this year. Chad will read to us from Learning To Settle Down and from Masstown, a collection that celebrates the once-thriving dairy community west of Truro, in Colchester County. You can read more about Chad Norman here:
 **Please note that the café is open from 10am -2pm Tuesdays – Saturdays and for coffee, snacks and dinner each Tuesday from 5 P.M. and we are also open By Chance or By Reservation. If the door is open or the lights are on, please stop in.
This week’s menu will include : Madras Vichyssoise Soup; Black Bean Mango Tortas, Broccoli Quiche; Cheese Platter with a selection of local, Québec, and international cheeses; Greek Salad; Janet’s Breakfast; Fruit Tarts; Rhubarb Pie (GF), Cappucino, Fresh juice; and more.

Meditative Collage – June 20 & 21 !

Julia Heimer Dadds is a Nonesuch Artist in Residence for the month of June. Please join her for some Mediative Collage.Julia HD _Collage


A 2-Day Meditative Collage Workshop

WHEN:  Saturday June 20th and Sunday June 21st from 2 – 5 pm each day

WHERE: Main & Station Second Floor, 168 Main Street, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, B0M 1S0

INSTRUCTOR: Julia Heimer Dadds

“One of the many gifts of the art is the state of mind we reach as we do it. A stone sculptor friend calls it “art-ing” and the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi call it a “state of flow.” This occurs when we become completely absorbed into a task.” 

This workshop allows participants to set aside the worry about “craft” and “talent” that occurs around working “from scratch” by using collage methods—cutting up and creating new compositions from already existing imagery. There is room for drawing, painting and even sculpting, if participants wish to do so. However, the emphasis is unique for this artform with the focus on juxtaposition, accident, combinations, serendipity. 

The overall objective of this workshop is to increase the presence of artistic contemplation in the lives of the participants. This, in turn, can encourage new insights, growth, peace, and energy. The facilitator provides the environment, guidance and materials that will encourage participants to reach a state of flow in creating meaningful art objects. Participants learn the value of “centering” and setting intention, of reflection both individually and socially, and of closure and open-ended “conclusions.”  The process blends curricular learning theory, psychoanalytic theory, arts-based research approaches and meditation traditions.

30 years of social work, organizational leadership, educational scholarship and teaching inform Julia’s mature creative “madness.”  To wit, it is grand to explore—no holds barred—the creative edges but when working with others there is a responsibility to make this process safe and encouraging. There is also a responsibility to have a process that challenges the participant to grow and explore.  This growth and exploration is especially full of juicy joy and deep, gentle insights if it affects the participant both individually and socially. Julia’s doctoral study (PhD in Curriculum Studies) focuses on arts-based learning and research working with social, professional and psychological identities.

This is an activity that Julia has done with children and adults of all genders. It is especially fun for people who have done a bit of collaging or other art before.  It can be astounding for people who love beauty but never saw themselves as “artists.


This workshop takes place over 2 days. Each day is 3 hours long.

Cost/Participant – $65.00 + tax = 74.75