Coming Soon

From  JULY 26TH -JULY 28TH : Writing the Story of Your Life, a workshop with Ian Ferrier, one of the core writer/performers in the North American performance literature scene.

From JULY 29TH -AUGUST 2ND :  The Voice of the Writer, a workshop with Ian Ferrier, co-founder of the Mile End Poets’ Festival, the online performance review, and the poetry/music label Wired on Words which won public radio’s Standard Broadcasting Award in its first year.

Fish Plate 06

Fish Plate 06

From JULY 30TH -AUGUST 1ST : Acrylic Painting Workshop – Self Portraits, a workshop with Montreal artist Jane Zdansky.


For details about the times and fees for these events, and to find out how to reserve your place, please click the links to read about them on our website or look at the relevant page under the ‘Learn’ tab.


 a Jane Zdansky exhibition of oils and watercolours


opens July 30th

meet the artist, Friday August 2nd, 10am -1pm

Landscape, 2010, 12" X 12", oil on wood

My work is a response to reality rather than an imitative picture of reality. Whether my inspiration is a forest, a person or a vase of flowers, my approach is always to create a portrait of my subject that evokes an emotional tone through aesthetic mean.

All art speaks directly to our emotions. As a visual artist I employ the formal elements of line, colour, mass, composition, visual rhythm, etc. to communicate feeling in painting, sculpture or other visual media. The work is informed by every experience in my life. For me, working in the studio is not removed from life but an extension of it, it is a stew of memories, desires and a place where I can process the hurly-burly of contemporary experience and create a therapeutic haven producing work that fills a need for contemplation.

Jane Zdansky, B.Sc., B.F.A., has been painting since she was a child and has been exhibiting work since 1999. Her work can be viewed at