This week’s Nonesuch Coffee Talks: Publishing, Chiropractic, Gems & Minerals – a Billion Dollar Business, and Full Bore Mystic in residence

Tracy Coffee TalkingTuesday, June 9             Clare Christie – Book Talk                                                    Retired teacher and lawyer and now author of several volumes and columnist for the Amherst News, Clare Christie talks about writing and publishing and explores some of the differences between self-publishing and being professionally published.

Wednesday, June 10            Mary-Irene Parker – Chiropractic in Canada           Chiropractor Mary-Irene Parker talks about the state of chiropractic in Canada; including history; education; research and development, and relationships within the health care world.

Thursday, June 11    Hans Durstling  – Gems and Minerals on the World Scale, A Billion Dollar Business and its Potential for Parrsboro  Moncton based gemcutter and jewellery maker Hans Durstling has taught at the Tucson Show and visited and researched Idar-Oberstein several times. In this talk, he’ll give a first hand account of both locations, and point out some possibilities that their development may hold for Parrsboro.

In a picturesque region of forests and castles and valleys and vineyards in Southwestern Germany not far from Luxembourg lies the legendary gem town of Idar Oberstein. With a population of some 30 to 40 thousand, it’s approximately the size of Fredericton New Brunswick. The hills around are Permian age basalt lava containing abundant nodules of agate. Just like the basalt of the Bay of Fundy. Very early the agate began to be processed. The first documented mention of an agate mine in Idar Oberstein dates back to 1354, more than 800 years ago. By a process of natural growth, the initial industry of polished stone attracted goldsmiths, tool-makers, import-and-export businesses, diamond cutters, carvers. Today, the concentration of stone related businesses is downright breathtaking: there may be a thousand or more separate businesses dealing in one aspect or another of precious and ornamental stone.
The Tucson "Electric Park Show", 2006

The Tucson “Electric Park Show”, 2006

While Idar-Oberstein is permanent, in Tucson Arizona the activity is packed into the three weeks of the “Tucson Show” in late January early February. During that time, Tucson is to the world of gems and minerals what Paris is to fashion. Hotel prices triple during the three weeks of the Show, which today is by a very large margin the world’s largest mineral and gem exposition. Its economic benefit to the City of Tucson has been estimated to be in the hundred million dollar range. Here again, just as in Idar Oberstein, Tucson’s present status as the number one exposition was not planned, but grew naturally, over decades, step by step.

Friday June 12        Mark Beebe & Julia Heimer Dadds  – in residence Artist’s Talk Full Bore Mystic, Indiana artists Mark Beebe & Julia Heimer Dadds, will be in residence at Main & Station for the month of June.

Exhibition: Drawing out Loud – Faces of Lyme Disease

Donna Jacobs is a multimedia & graphic artist, a ceramicist, and poet.  She will be in Parrsboro for a week in July to teach a charcoal workshop and hold an exhibition of her work.

drawing-out-loud-exhibit-vernissage-1For over a year Donna has being drawing sketches that encompass emotions both she and her daughter Bronwyn were experiencing, but could not express in words, as Lyme disease ravaged Bronwyn’s body with damage to her stomach, gallbladder and digestive tract. Each day Donna would put a new sketch up on the wall of the hospital room. What they discovered was that the sketches became a focus and broke down some barriers between the health care professionals and Bronwyn. They would discuss the sketches and the atmosphere became more human. This was to her benefit.

Don’t miss the exhibit of these sketches on display in Main & Station’s secondfloor gallery this July. The exhibit will open with a soirée on July 15th at 5pm and will remain on display until July 24th, 2015. Come to the opening to see the work, meet Donna, and learn more about Lyme Disease and how to prevent it.

Full Bore Mystic, Meditative Collage, and Sacred Tremors

For the month of June 2015, creative duo Full Bore Mystic will be Nonesuch Artists in Residence in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia. Poet and visual artist Julia Heimer Dadds & painter Mark Beebe will be coming to us from Bloomington, Indiana where Julia teaches and Mark, now retired after some 25 years guarding museum treasures, is devoting himself full-time to his painting and his family.

"Sacred Tremors" Indiana Version, May 2015, Mark Beebe


You can meet Mark and Julia at their Artists’ Talk on Friday June 12th at 10:30 am in the Nonesuch Café.

Julia will also be giving two Nonesuch Coffee Talks on Tuesday, June 23rd, Lao Tzu at the Gate, and on Tuesday, June 30th, Talismans of the everyday.

On June 20th and 21st, Julia will be offering a Meditative Collage Workshop (or all mixed up and that’s just fine). For details and to register, see here…

Be sure to look for both Mark & Julia at our Tuesday Poetry Nights throughout the month of June and note that Julia will be our featured poet on Tuesday, June 23rd so come on down for that and also keep an eye out for Mark in and around town as you may just find him somewhere painting up a storm.

And finally, definitely don’t miss the exhibit of their work opening June 25th at 5 pm.

To give you a taste of her poetry, here is a sample Julia tells me is ‘a tad rough’. It is from a series Julia is working on around Jane Schoolcraft’s story (and her family’s). Her Ojibwe name  was Obabaamwewe-giizhigokwe (in modern spelling) Continue reading