Kaylaira Lea : Workshops, Ceremonies, Meditations, and an Artist’s Talk


Among her many talents and experiences, Kaylaira Lea is a traveller, an artist, and a professional volunteer.   She has a visual arts degree from Kansas City Art Institute, training and career as a filmmaker in Toronto, training and work in metal sculpture, and years as a dance-theatre choreographer and director.  After years of travelling around the world as a volunteer, Kaylaira has returned to Parrsboro to spend some time reacquainting herself with old friends and to share with us some of what she has picked up along the way.

To meet Kaylaira and hear about her practice, please join us for her Artist’s Talk at Main & Station on Wednesday, 5 July at 7:30 pm.

Kaylaira is also offering the following workshops, ceremonies, and meditations.  Please register NOW to reserve your spot!

To learn more about Kaylaira Lea, please view the various workshop pages (see links above) and visit her site here https://kaylaira.wordpress.com


Come to Work & to Play

Main & Station is delighted to announce more of the same coming soon to a block nearby…studios, performances, collaborations, exhibitions, and more than can be imagined…


For information about our residency program, please see here https://hmsnonesuch.com/nonesuch-residencies/

Many things go on under these roofs including, residencies for artists, writers, dancers, scientists and curious folk of all stripes, workshops, performances, art exhibitions, poetry nights, collaborations, lectures, installations, a Secondhand Bookshop, and a good cup of coffee.

Would you like to apply for a residency, teach or attend a workshop?

Interested in volunteering?

To find out more about what we do, and to participate, come see us, call us, email us, and look over our website.

Main & Station Nonesuch 
Kickshaws, Residencies, Books 
Nonesuch Art Of Paper Awards

PO Box 507
168 Main Street
Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, B0M 1S0 

514-979-3978   [email protected]   [email protected]



Les prix pour les arts PAPIER 2017 Nonesuch Art Of Paper Awards

(voir ci-dessous pour le français)



Main & Station is pleased to announce the 2nd edition of the international NONESUCH ART OF PAPER AWARDS.

These awards are open to all artists.
Finalist works will be included in 2 Canadian exhibitions: in Montréal, Québec and in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia.
The awards consist of cash and residencies valued at over $ 21,000.00:
  • The Nonesuch Best Work Award
  • L’Usine de Papier Award
  • The Main & Station Award
  • The Griffintown Award
  • The Wellington Church Awards
Submission Deadline: 30 April, 2017

For the first edition 230 entries were received from 17 different countries, including Argentina, Australia, Estonia, France, Italy, Israel, Japan, Spain, and the United States of America. Over 35 submissions came from artists living in the Maritime Provinces and over 55 from the island of Montreal.

More than 70 works of art were shown in the two finalist exhibitions. The diverse works created on or with paper included drawings, paintings, prints, sculptures, crochet hangings, origami, photography, collage and hand-made books by artists from all over the world and from around the corner.
Over 700 visitors participated in the public ballots to select the winner(s) of the Wellington Church Award, the people’s choice award.
For additional details on the awards and information about how to apply, please visit the Awards page here…https://hmsnonesuch.com/nonesuch-art-on-paper-awards/


The NONESUCH ART OF PAPER AWARDS were created and funded by artists and supporters of the arts. Main & Station Nonesuch Kickshaws is a privately funded endeavour based in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia and Montreal, Canada that promotes the arts and humanities.

Affiche NAOPA  2017 _Soumissions

Main & Station est heureux d’annoncer la deuxième édition des prix d’excellence NONESUCH pour les arts PAPIER.

Les prix d’excellence Nonesuch sont ouverts à tous les artistes.
Les œuvres sélectionnés feront partie de 2 expositions canadiennes : à Montréal, au Québec et à Parrsboro, en Nouvelle-Écosse.

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