nonesuch kickshaws

Nancy Agati
Nectar (detail)
Brote de Vida (Life Outbreak)
Irvin Aguilar
Ojigwanung in the Throat of the Celestial Cauldron
Ojigwanung in the Throat of the Celestial Cauldron (detail)
Tlingit Archaeomap – “Water from Rock”
Tlingit Archaeomap – “Water from Rock” (detail)
Dak’laweidi (Wolf) Opens Night
Dak’laweidi (Wolf) Opens Night (detail)
Colour Fantasy
Rey Baecher
Sparkle In Blue
Rey Baecher
Red Spread
Rey Baecher
Antler Right
Bonnie Baker
Antler Right (detail)
Floating Rock
Bonnie Baker
Floating Rock (detail)
Enda Bardell
Enda Bardell
Last Light
Enda Bardell
God Speed
Nathan Bartley
Road-Less Travel
Nathan Bartley
Nature vs. Nurture
Nathan Bartley
Goose and Gander
Nathan Bartley
Peggy’s Cove
Rhonda Barrett
Peggy’s Cove (detail)
Inshore Echoes
Ilka Bauer
Inshore Echoes (detail)
Inshore Echoes (detail)
Chloé Beaulac
Mother’s Sublimation
Gènevre Becker
Mother’s Sublimation (detail)
Mother’s Sublimation (detail)
Mother’s Sublimation (detail)
Mother’s Sublimation (detail)
Full Bore Mystic Installation – Paintings (detail)
Full Bore Mystic Installation – Paintings (detail)
Full Bore Mystic Installation – Paintings (detail)
Full Bore Mystic Installation – Paintings (detail)
Full Bore Mystic Installation – Poetry
Julia Dadds
Full Bore Mystic Installation – Poetry (detail)
Fury – Full Bore Mystic Installation – Poetry (detail)
Full Bore Mystic Installation – Poetry (detail)
Full Bore Mystic Installation – Poetry (detail)
From Away – Full Bore Mystic at the Minas Basin
Julia Dadds & Mark Beebe
From Away – Full Bore Mystic at the Minas Basin
(book detail)
From Away – Full Bore Mystic at the Minas Basin
(book detail)
From Away – Full Bore Mystic at the Minas Basin
(book detail)
From Away – Full Bore Mystic at the Minas Basin
(book detail)
From Away – Full Bore Mystic at the Minas Basin
(book detail)
From Away – Full Bore Mystic at the Minas Basin
(book detail)
From Away – Full Bore Mystic at the Minas Basin
(book back cover)
Dîner chez les Blanks
Martine Bertrand
Sam’s World
Martine Bertrand
Galerie de Petits Personnages
Martine Bertrand
Martine Bertrand
Marcin Bochenek
Marcin Bochenek
Douglas Bosely
Isomorphous Replacement Douglas Bosely
Once Upon A Time
Liana Brittain
Swaying to the Music
Liana Brittain
The Tree
Liana Brittain
Riding the Wind
Liana Brittain
Dans le bois
Cassandre Boucher
September 58
Cassandre Boucher
Chapter 3, Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Lisa Bulawsky
Chapter 4, September 11th
Lisa Bulawsky
“Sen o wielorybie” (Dream about whale)
Aleksandra Bury
Manufactured Drawing #134
Emmanuel Chieze
Manufactured Drawing #104
Emmanuel Chieze
Alyson Champ
Aimée Campeau
Aimée Campeau
The spirit likes to dress up like this: Ode to Mary Oliver
Jennifer Kathleen Morris Cormier
The spirit likes to dress up like this: Ode to Mary Oliver (detail)
Stephanie Coleman
Na-no-body (detail)
Jennifer Kathleen Morris Cormier
Jennifer Kathleen Morris Cormier
Beyond Scylla and Charybdis 2
Adam Czech
Beyond Scylla and Charybdis 23
Adam Czech
Beyond Scylla and Charybdis 8
Adam Czech
Jennifer Kathleen Morris Cormier
W(hole) (detail)
no title (Danceworks 2)
Helene de Winter
no title
Helene de Winter
NAOPA 2016 Best Work Award Winner
no title (detail)
no title Helene de Winter
no title
Helene de Winter
Le et La
Gerry Dotto
Just Peel
Gerry Dotto
Flake Out
Gerry Dotto
The Cambodian Project
Suzanne Desbiens
The Cambodian Project (detail)
The Cambodian Project (detail)
The Cambodian Project (detail)
The Cambodian Project (detail)
The Book: La TABLE, Francis Ponge, ex. 53/60
Odette Drapeau
Tear (still from video)
Kathy Driscoll & Jane Theau
Serie : Desde la Sangre
Noémie Faligant
Lisa Figueroa
Lisa Figueroa
Lisa Figueroa
Other Garden
Sarah Galarneau
Other Garden (detail)
Other Garden (detail)
Other Garden (detail)
Other Garden (detail)
Éruption Diane Fournier
Otherworld 1
Sarah Galarneau
Planet 1 (Tomato)
Sarah Galarneau
Psycho Sunset Sphere
Sarah Galarneau
Carlos Gomez
Virgen de los Dragones
Carlos Gomez
Drawing, ink and pencil on paper
100cm x 70cm
Colour Test
Paul Gelinas
# 6231a
Floki Gauvry
Floki Gauvry
As the wind whispered through us
Sarah Beth Goncarova
Mapping the Dancer Jeremy Gordaneer
Insert Pretentious Title
Wade Goring
Black Widow At A Funeral
Wade Goring
Piranha Plant
Wade Goring
Chaotic Compassion
Charlotte Greenwood
Timeless Wisdom
Charlotte Greenwood
Through The Pieces Speak
Charlotte Greenwood
Filigrana #2
Maritza Granados-Manjarrés
Filigrana #2 (detail)
Talking With My Mother. In Memory. Kirsti Grotmol
Talking With My Mother. In Memory. (detail)
I Always Wanted To Be Strong. 8 Songs.
Kirsti Grotmol
Diary Of A Forgotten Day
Kirsti Grotmol
Marie José Gustave
Mixity (detail)
Mixity (detail)
Us and Others I
Marie José Gustave
Us and Others I (detail)
Us and Others I (detail)
And then a Pearl
Marie José Gustave
And then a Pearl (detail)
Royal Hanging Garden
Emma Hack
Landscape Woods
Emma Hack
Under the Bridge (JC)
Dani Hausmann
CN Marie Dani Hausmann
Malting Dream IV (The Garden)
Dani Hausmann
Hydra Hydro
Dani Hausmann
Still Life Patterns
Marilyn Harris
Morning Showers on Hollis
Ron Hazell
Full Canvas
Ron Hazell
Bay of Fundy
Janet Hendershot
Sophie Heyen-Dubé
La mer, Copenhague, un lac, Cos et Sophie
Sophie Heyen-Dubé
Reflection: Poppies
Mary Hood
Momma Bear: Birthing
Mary Hood
Hoiantonian VII
Rory Hoeg
Hoiantonian VI Rory Hoeg
Hoiantonian IV
Rory Hoeg
A-3 II
Richard Hricko
Curios IV
Richard Hricko
Tiffany Huang
Assignment (detail)
Roadside Weeds 1, 2, and 3
Liz Jeneid
Jeanne Krabbendam
Jeanne Krabbendam
Jeanne Krabbendam
Death of the Seamstress
Rose-Marie Kossowan
Fishing Net
Diane Jutras
Four Girls and Bowls
Joy Snihur Wyatt Laking
Hélène Latulippe
Breath (detail)
Breath (detail)
Capacité d’adaptation / adaptability –série 1 no 1
Roselyn Le Cours
Capacité d’adaptation / adaptability –série 2 no 2
Roselyn Le Cours
Capacité d’adaptation / adaptability –série 2 no 1
Roselyn Le Cours
Capacité d’adaptation / adaptability –série 1 no 4
Roselyn Le Cours
Capacité d’adaptation / adaptability –série 1 no 3
Roselyn Le Cours
Capacité d’adaptation / adaptability –série 1 no 2
Roselyn Le Cours
Jerome the Grave Digger
Jean Leung
Winter Sky
Jean Leung
Rain On Dry Land
Pat Loucks
Rain On Dry Land (detail)
Rain On Dry Land (detail)
Rain On Dry Land (detail)
Rain On Dry Land (detail)
Rain On Dry Land (detail)
Rain On Dry Land (detail)
Rain On Dry Land (detail)
Rain On Dry Land (detail)
Paper Bark
Frankie Macaulay
Paper Bark (detail)
Spring Torment Blue
Dan MacDonald
Stone Angel – White-throated Sparrow
Deborah MacDonald
Nature’s Order
Antje Martens-Oberwellend
Memories of Nova Scotia Antje Martens-Oberwellend
Memories of Nova Scotia (detail)
I know my sheep, and they know me
Antje Martens-Oberwellend
El Ojo de la Noche #2
Kathryn Maxwell
My Parents’ Back Door
Sara McKarney
My Parents’ Back Door (detail)
My Parents’ Back Door (detail)
PaperBridge Steve Messam
PaperBridge (detail)
PaperBridge (detail)
PaperBridge (detail)
Rhonda Miller
Scenting Sunshine
Col Mitchell
Scenting Sunshine (detail)
The Playground
Col Mitchell
The Playground (detail)
A Walk On The Wild Side Gary Nay
Stricken (L’arbre foudroyé)
Lyne Noiseux
Smell Like a Tree Spirit (Nezrable)
Lyne Noiseux
Recollection #2
Shogo Okada
Shogo Okada
Pipe Dream One Xavier Orssaud
Topographers into the everwhen (from “The Essentialists” series)
Derek Owens
She choreographs the dreamtime
Derek Owens
She Designs The Core
Derek Owens
The Image Vendor
Derek Owens
LSD Daniel Plante
Daniel Plante
Salvinaorine A
Daniel Plante
Le Voleur de Mémoire (The memory thief)
François Perras
Susan Paterson
Breeding Ground
Jasmine Poole
Will Be Fine II
Karol Pomykala
Will Be Fine II
Karol Pomykala
Meditation Kit # I, Draw Gentle Marks Think Nothing
Ewa Scheer
Drawing Nothing with 2H
Ewa Scheer
Dream Boat
Michal Sagar
Richard Rudnicki
Who Am I? – Tecumseh’s Vision Quest
Richard Rudnicki
Site III
Kim Sheppard
Falling In / Falling Out Jessica Slipp
Falling In / Falling Out (detail)
Falling In / Falling Out (detail)
Minas Matter: A Deconstruction / Reconstruction of Landscape
Jessica Slipp
Minas Matter: A Deconstruction / Reconstruction of Landscape (detail)
Minas Matter: A Deconstruction / Reconstruction of Landscape (detail)
Jessica Slipp
Minas Matter: A Deconstruction / Reconstruction of Landscape
Minas Matter: A Deconstruction / Reconstruction of Landscape (detail)
Lucia Simone
From Far And Wide
Kristina Sobstad
Proportions and Table Manners [recto]
Todd Bartel
Proportions and Table Manners [verso]
Todd Bartel
Promise and Threat (Terror Comes After Territory) [recto]
Todd Bartel
Promise and Threat (Terror Comes After Territory) [verso] Todd Bartel
Vessel Form
Sandra Sorensen
Vessel Form (detail)
Vessel Form (detail)
Two Heads
Sandra Sorensen
Two Heads
Two Heads (detail)
Conglomerates One, Two, and Three
Sandra Sorensen
Conglomerates One Two Three (detail)
Conglomerates One Two Three (detail)
Conglomerates One Two Three (detail)
Mad Hatter’s Tea Table Lori V. St. Clair
Mad Hatter’s Tea Table (detail)
Mad Hatter’s Tea Table (left side detail)
Creative String Theory
Lori V. St. Clair
Creative String Theory (detail)
Three Gables
Bruce St. Clair
Traudel Stahl
Moving Paper 7
Traudel Stahl
Moving Paper 7 (detail)
Moving Paper 7 (detail)
The Golden Calf
Traudel Stahl
The Golden Calf
The Golden Calf
Susanne Strater
Susanne Strater
Andrew Stone
Eva Toth
Mechanism of Neurotic Repetition IV
Carizza Teague
Mechanism of neurotic repetition V
Carizza Teague
Lifeline 7
Kay Stanfield
Lifeline 6
Kay Stanfield
Lifeline 5
Kay Stanfield
Ironic Atomic (Copper)
Linda Suffidy
Dingbats Linda Suffidy
Dingbats (detail)
Fallen Angel
Yoshimasa Tsuruta
Fallen Angel (detail)
Fallen Angel (detail)
Fallen Angel (detail)
Fallen Angel (detail)
Yoshimasa Tsuruta
Rooster (detail)
Rooster (detail)
Rooster (detail)
Rooster (detail)
Lesson #1
Karen Trask
It was hot, very hot!
Ilkay Unay-Gailhard
Phil Vanderwall and Irene MacCreadie, Post Script.
Shroud (detail)
Adventure III
Benjamin Vasserman
no title
Tirtsa Valentine
Garden of Eden
Tirtsa Valentine
Quilt #4
Tirtsa Valentine
Drawn to Dogs
Krista Wells
Drawn to Dogs (detail)
Drawn to Dogs (detail)
Drawn to Dogs (detail)
Drawn to Dogs (detail)
Moral Fiber
Jessica Wildman
Moral Fiber (detail)
Stretching Loon on Pine
Tim Povroznik
Bonnie Baker
Study for Solstice
Jeff Carpenter
Astrological Observations
Marilyn Harris
Morton Rosengarten
Morton Rosengarten
Morton Rosengarten
Super Worried Mountain
Todd White
Super Worried Mountain (detail)
Anouk Wolse
Remaking the World Karen Trask
Remaking the World (detail)
Beverly Zawitkoski
Mask #3
Alice Zwarts
Interface 2 variant Alice Zwarts
A Moment of Happiness
Jackie Rae Wloski
Just Ask Our Sales Rep…(He Knows Everything)
Jackie Rae Wloski